Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"What are we gonna do? Sit around and wait for it to be over?" - T. Schenck


I'm finding it endlessly interesting...the connections you make (and sometimes lose) when you start working towards something big.  This is big right?  It is for me at least.  

In the last few days I've spoken to great friends and neighbors on how to go about this, I got an interesting offer from a long lost friend in the music industry and I wound up on the phone with my ex talking about health insurance and starting up a business.  All so unexpected!...and fun!  Well, except for the part that involves what it actually takes to start up a business and get health insurance (you actually HAVE to HAVE a business with 2 employees in order to even GET health insurance).  

Anyway...I feel like everything seems so much more interesting to me now.  I turned to my husband the other day to say that life already feels much more like LIFE.  He replies, "What are we gonna do?  Sit around and wait for it to be over?"  


Not anymore.

1 comment:

  1. So true what ur hubby said! Makes me think ..

    And your true friends will stick around you, motivate you and inspire you to do better and focus! Everyone else will just say hi (if that) and walk away. You only need positive energy around!
